
Locomotive painting instruction from Great Central Railway to North British Locomotive Co, April 1905

 Boiler to receive two coats of oxide of iron before beeing lagged, one wilst hot.
 Clothing Plates, two coats of lead colour inside.
 Splashers, Cab, Clothing and Wheels to recieve two coats of lead colour filled up with white lead mixed with gold size, rubbed down, followed up with two other coats lead colour, sand-papered, after which two coats Brunswick green in oil.
 Outside Frames, Main Frame above platform near Smoke-box, Sand-boxes, Buffers and Footstep Plates same as Splashers, &c., except two coats crimson lake in oil instead of green.
 Outside Frames, Wheels, Sand-boxes, Buffers, Footstep Plates, Splashers, Cab and Clothing to receive one coat under varnish, picked out with black and lined afterwards to receive one more coat under varnish and two coats best finishing body varnish. To be flatted down with pumice stone and horse hair between each coat.
 Numbers in gold leaf, shaded with blue, to be placed on Buffer Beam, after first coat of varnish.
 Company's Coat of Arms (Transfer of which will be supplied) to be placed on each Leading and Driving Splasher.
 A brass Number-plate, fixed on Cab Sides, to be painted black between numbers, and with one-eight white line, half-inch within the raised edge.
 Inside of Main Frames, Frame Stay, and Slide-bar Brackets to have two coats lead colour, filled up with white lead mixed with gold size, rubbed down, one coat flesh colour, sand-papered, two coats of vermilion, and three coats hard-drying body varnish.
 Outside of Main Frames, Bogie, and Guard Bars to receive two coats lead colour, filled up, rubbed down, one coat of ivory black mixed with varnish, and one coat hard-drying body varnish.
 Bodies of Straight Axles to receive one coat white lead and one coat varnish.
 Ends of Axles black, lined with white, and varnished.
 Smoke-box, Bogie, back of Fire-box, Platforms, Brake Hangers, etc., one coat Japan
 Chimney to have two coats lead colour, filled up with white lead, mixed with gold size, rubbed down, and one coat black and one Japan.
 Inside Cab, one coat lead colour, filled up, rubbed down, sand-papered, two coats stone colour (to sample), one coat under varnish, and one coat finishing body varnish. To be lined ad per sample panel.
 Two days to intervene between each of the last three coats of varnish.
 Buffer Beams same as Inside Frames, with the addition of being lined to sample panel, and finished same as Clothing.
 Brake Pipes to have two coats of approved rubber varnish.
 The Paint and Varnish to be obtained from Messrs. Docker Brothers or approved makers.
 Sample Panels will be provided, and the greatest care must be taken that all the Engines are painted strictly in accordance therewith, and of the same shades throughout.

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